DAS Budget release 🥳
It has been a long time coming, but DAS
has officially been released to the App Store and Google Play!How to upgrade?
users will need to uninstall their TestFlight app and install the official version in the App Store. For
, no changes are needed. You can decide to stay on the beta track for early releases or leave the beta to be on the stable release cycle.Upgrading will keep your current data and you will be able to log in with your existing credentials.
Check out our previous ChangeLog for more FAQs on the release and pricing.
You can continue to use DAS for free until
Dec 1st
! Once December starts I'll start enforcing subscriptions for DAS Budget (free trials count!). Updates
- Add the ability to purchase a DAS Budget subscription - ticket
- Update Plaid to support Wells Fargo OAuth connections - ticket
- Improve detection for cases when account balances do not match imported transactions - ticket
-Anthony (while-loop)